Showing results for: Digital Products




Data Future is now

Data is the Future, and the Future is Now

Last week I sat for a panel discussion at Folio Show 2018 on how companies can better leverage big data, both from a marketing standpoint but also in how we build out products, strategies, and solutions for our customers. Today, data informs every business decision we make, and making sense of it all has become both a challenge and an opportunity.

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It’s Cultural

Innovating in a mature company is hard. That’s certainly not news to anyone who’s tried to do. It’s not the technology or the intricacies of business models that make it hard, it’s the real financial limitations of legacy products that still contribute and a process that has been ingrained for years.

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2 Ways Digital Channels Can Improve the Customer Experience

B2B publications face more competitors than ever in the information marketplace. At CU Times, we don’t just compete with other B2B titles, we also compete for our customers’ limited time with aggregate news sites, blogs by high-profile industry figures, trade associations that consider themselves to be news organizations, consultants and specialty information sites.

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Mind the Gap

Engagement is absolutely critical, but let’s take it a step further. Today I wanted to take a slightly deeper dive into how we use all that feedback to create or update products. How do we choose what to do first? Do we group all of the feedback and see where there is substantial interest in a particular problem?

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