Showing results for: Legal Media




It’s Cultural

Innovating in a mature company is hard. That’s certainly not news to anyone who’s tried to do. It’s not the technology or the intricacies of business models that make it hard, it’s the real financial limitations of legacy products that still contribute and a process that has been ingrained for years.

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Overcoming the Hurdles to Client Transition

As the baby boomer generation readies to retire, law firms face an existential crisis. If the work those senior lawyers hold isn’t transferred to more junior attorneys, a substantial chunk of firm revenue could walk out the door for good.

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The General Counsel: A Sherpa or Scapegoat for the C-Suite?

As general counsel in a large company, your environment is fast paced and ever-changing. Words like “disruption” or “evolving landscape” are often used to describe the current legal industry. Take this atmosphere and then add into the mix the albatross of cybersecurity — and there in the middle of the swirling storm, you will find the GC.

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Law Department Sourcing – At the Tipping Point of Transformative Change

The topic of this year’s General Counsel panel at the LMA Annual Conference, which I had the honor of moderating, was on the rapidly changing buying cycle for legal services. The four-person panel was comprised of General Counsels and Legal Operations Professionals from Yahoo!, Cisco, NetApp, and PetersenDean, all of whom are leading organizations that have re-engineered their “build vs buy” strategies for sourcing legal work.

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Mirror, Mirror On The Wall, Who’s The Fairest Law Firm of All?

In a lot of ways, law firms can be like those awkward adolescent years: growing faster than they can handle, not sure of their place in the world, wanting to be like the other guy.

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Law Firm CMO’s – At the Tip of the Spear in Elevating the Law Firm C-Suite

According to a recent ALM Intelligence report, The New Law Firm-C-Suite: Realizing Performance Potential, authored by Nicholas Bruch, based on the results of ALM’s 2nd Annual C-Suite Survey, while many C-suite professionals reported that they had good working relationships with their firm’s partners, they still reported feeling woefully underutilized when it comes to engaging and influencing the executive committee in their firm.

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For Corporate Law Departments, the Talent Pipeline Starts In-House

Among the topics discussed throughout the Legalweek, The Experience event, talent acquisition was something that remains top of mind for law firms and corporate law departments as they look for new ways to attract and retain the next generation of legal minds coming into the workforce.

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Top Trends Driving the Business of Law in a VUCA World

With increasing challenges afoot in today’s business environment - such as the tumultuous political climate, economic uncertainty, regulatory changes, and privacy concerns – CEOs (myself included) are collaborating across the company’s various business divisions to solve problems companywide. This multifaceted approach is not necessarily a new idea among business leaders at large scale corporations, but according to insights gathered by ALM’s Intelligence and Editorial units, it is becoming more ubiquitous across companies of all sizes as the business environment continues to face global growth barriers.

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5 Indicators That You Are Part of a Winning Team

Success in business rarely occurs in solitude. Rather, it occurs through the collective effort of diverse members of a team, working together toward a common goal. In that respect, business is no different than many other endeavors.

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FutureLaw – Glimpsing Legaltech’s Next Generation Disruptors; Are They Moving Fast Enough?

For the two hundred or so attendees in the room Friday at CodeX's FutureLaw event on the campus of Stanford Law School, the feeling was one of excitement and optimism. All that changed shortly after keynote speaker James Sandman from Legal Services Corporation began to speak.

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