Showing results for: Marketing




Data Future is now

Data is the Future, and the Future is Now

Last week I sat for a panel discussion at Folio Show 2018 on how companies can better leverage big data, both from a marketing standpoint but also in how we build out products, strategies, and solutions for our customers. Today, data informs every business decision we make, and making sense of it all has become both a challenge and an opportunity.

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Law Firm CMO’s – At the Tip of the Spear in Elevating the Law Firm C-Suite

According to a recent ALM Intelligence report, The New Law Firm-C-Suite: Realizing Performance Potential, authored by Nicholas Bruch, based on the results of ALM’s 2nd Annual C-Suite Survey, while many C-suite professionals reported that they had good working relationships with their firm’s partners, they still reported feeling woefully underutilized when it comes to engaging and influencing the executive committee in their firm.

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5 Lessons Business Can Learn from Editorial—and Vice Versa

One of the great advantages of corporate reorganizations (yes, there are some) is the results you get when you blend the skills and experience of people with very different backgrounds. I have seen it over the years but never as much as my own experience in a recent restructure at my company.

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Designing for Duality

What makes B2B products different is duality of our audience (buyer and seller, developer and investor, in-house and law firm). Because of those relationships, the focus is on understanding vs. purely building audience.

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Who Cares About the Launch of a Brand?

Who cares about a launch of a brand? Especially when it’s not new—it’s the same brand, same name but new tagline—it’s spiffed up. Why does it matter? Why should readers and marketers care?

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