Showing results for: Media




Are Your Firm’s Future Leaders Ready to Pitch for Business?

It’s 2018 and yet it’s still easy to become demoralized looking at gender diversity stats in the legal profession … particularly in Big Law … particularly in practice areas that haven’t historically been welcoming of women.

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General Data Protection Regulation

The GDPR’s Only Just Beginning

Tell me, how many “We’ve updated our Privacy Policy” emails did you get the final two weeks of May? For me, it fell somewhere on the scale between “I wish I could see other emails on the first page” and “Please help, my computer is melting.”

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It’s Cultural

Innovating in a mature company is hard. That’s certainly not news to anyone who’s tried to do. It’s not the technology or the intricacies of business models that make it hard, it’s the real financial limitations of legacy products that still contribute and a process that has been ingrained for years.

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Here’s to the Disrupted Ones

Disruptors have been American business heroes since Henry Ford. They frequently appear to be crazy right up until the moment they are shown to be brilliant. Historically, they faced push back from entrenched interests in their own industries, the government and the media. In recent years the media portion of this equation has changed with Disruptors being celebrated by TechCrunch, Re/Code and CNBC to name just a few. Marketers jump to be seen near them and celebrities from Ashton Kutcher to Steph Curry want the label as well.

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4 Ways to Increase Editorial & Sales Collaboration

Too often in publishing, an us-versus-them culture dominates, even though everyone has the same goal of growing a successful business. My heart is still in editorial, where I spent 13 years of my career, but as both publisher and editor-in-chief of Credit Union Times I have a unique view of the pressures both sides face.

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