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PropertyCasualty360 provides brokers, agents, carrier executives and claims professionals with comprehensive coverage of the products, practices and strategies necessary to guide their clients through all facets of the insurance and risk management process. We celebrate those who are adapting and succeeding in new ways and translate the impact of regulations and technology into digestible, shareable information that can be immediately put into real-life practice..
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“During my 40-plus years in the insurance-agent world, publications have been a major factor in keeping abreast of current issues, trends and opportunities. Now in addition to the Internet, there so many articles, publications, newsletters, associations and “news” sources that are overwhelming if not contradictory. One group stands out as always being the most respected and informative of all: National Underwriter and PropertyCasualty360. Articles in each pertain to MY world, from new products to management tips and, naturally, sales tools.”
— Richie Clements, Principal, Clements Insurance Services, Chalmette, La.
— Richie Clements, Principal, Clements Insurance Services, Chalmette, La.

“National Underwriter and PC360 do an excellent job of providing information and insight in an easy-to-understand and concise format. I also like the fact that they address a range of subjects, perspectives and slices from micro to macro. They are a great resource for not only the featured content that provides detailed reporting on the topic/subject, but I also find their forward-looking articles and recaps of trends as well as benchmarking useful in my dealings with peers and vendors.”
— Nahua Maunakea, Director of Global Risk Management, IHS Inc.
— Nahua Maunakea, Director of Global Risk Management, IHS Inc.

“I enjoy reading your publication because you provide agencies helpful solutions that can be put to use in our daily operations. For example, the feature in your June issue, “Selling Insurance to Small Business: What Works, and What You Should be Trying,” provided solid sales strategies for obtaining small-business clients. This article is important and essential to many independent insurance agencies around the country. Keep up the good work.”
— Isaac S. Manjoe, Independent Insurance Agent & Broker, Manjoe Insurance Agency Inc., Randallstown, Md.
— Isaac S. Manjoe, Independent Insurance Agent & Broker, Manjoe Insurance Agency Inc., Randallstown, Md.