A new report on ESG: Environmental finds that Innovators among professional services providers have recognized that compliance is an important factor of ESG, but fundamentally, ESG in 2023 is about how business gets done
Law.com Radar, ALM’s cutting-edge client surveillance tool, has been named the winner of the 2023 Eddie & Ozzie Special Recognition Award for Product Team of the Year.
Law.com Radar, ALM’s cutting-edge client surveillance tool, has been named a Finalist for the 2023 Eddie & Ozzie Award for Editorial Use of Data for its AI-driven Trend Detection feature.
An in-depth look at historical data on the largest law firms with a presence in Miami, Fort Lauderdale, and Palm Beach, as well as the business climate in which they operate
A new report on legal department spend management finds that innovators among professional services providers recognize that they aren’t just struggling with cost pressures and higher workloads, but they also need help repositioning themselves as business centers
Financial Planning Counseling Skills is a teaching resource supporting professors in delving more deeply into challenging topics that arise in the financial planner-client relationship.
ALM Publishes Annual Ranking of 200 Highest-Grossing Law Firms
New York, NY – May 18, 2023–A new report from Law.com Compass Pacesetter Research (previously known as ALM Intelligence Pacesetter Research) finds that professional service providers and their clients have mostly worked through much of the regulatory speed bumps created by the economic and political turmoil that arose in the wake of the 2008 recession […]
Educational Services, Transportation, and Food Services among the worst performing sectors
Law.com Radar, ALM’s technology-driven client surveillance platform, is introducing coverage of hard-to-access state courts and a range of enhancements that enable users to identify and seize on opportunities